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Privacy Policy

Last Updated:  October 31, 2023 

Welcome to or the JAKPAT application (hereinafter referred to as "JAKPAT"), we welcome you to enjoy or participate in our services. 

JAKPAT is owned and operated by PT Gongsin Internasional Transindo and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "We"). We are committed to respecting and maintaining the privacy of the Personal Data of entrants, users, Respondents, and Clients (hereinafter "You") and are committed to protecting such Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy (hereinafter "Policy"). 

We apply the same Policy to every site and application that We operate. In this Policy, we will explain how and how We obtain, collect, process, analyze, store, correct, update, delete, destroy, and (in certain circumstances) disclose Personal Data that you have provided while using JAKPAT (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data") and explain how we have taken steps to secure your Personal Data. 

By accessing, registering, clicking "Agree" in the user registration process, or enjoying JAKPAT services, you declare that each of your Personal Data is true and valid information, and we consider you have read, understood, comprehended and agreed to all contents contained in this Policy. Therefore, you have given consent to JAKPAT to obtain, collect, process, analyze, store, repair, update, delete, destroy, and (in certain circumstances) disclose the Personal Data for the purposes as stated in this Policy: 

A. Personal Data 
Personal Data is defined as information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person, whether considered individually or in conjunction with other data, whether acquired directly or indirectly through electronic or non-electronic systems

B. Processing of Personal Data 

In order to ensure and safeguard your rights as a Data Subject, we adhere to the following principles of Personal Data Protection: 
  1. JAKPAT collects Personal Data in a limited, specific, lawful, and transparent manner. 

  2. JAKPAT processes Personal Data in accordance with the purposes communicated to you. 

  3. JAKPAT takes all necessary and reasonable measures to safeguard the rights of Data Subjects. 

  4. JAKPAT ensures that Personal Data is collected accurately, completely, without misinformation, and is kept up-to-date and accountable. 

  5. JAKPAT protects Personal Data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, misuse, destruction, and erasure. 

  6. JAKPAT informs Data Subjects about the purpose and procedures of processing, as well as any breaches of Personal Data Protection, if they occur. 

  7. Personal Data is securely destroyed or deleted by JAKPAT after the specified retention period or upon the request of the Data Subject, unless otherwise mandated by applicable laws and regulations. 

  8. JAKPAT conducts the processing of Personal Data in a responsible manner, with clear and verifiable accountability. 

C. Basis for Processing Personal Data 
As the Controller of Personal Data, JAKPAT processes Personal Data on the following legal bases: 
  1. processing is based on your explicit and lawful consent for one or more specific purposes communicated by JAKPAT to you. 
  2. processing is necessary to fulfill obligations under an agreement in which you are one of the parties or to fulfill your request at the time of entering into an agreement. 

  3. processing is required to comply with legal obligations imposed on JAKPAT in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 
  4. processing is necessary to protect your vital interests as the Data Subject. 

  5. processing is carried out in the context of public interest, public service, or in the exercise of JAKPAT's authority as authorized by laws and regulations. 

  6. processing is performed to pursue other legitimate interests, while considering the objectives, needs, and the balance of interests between JAKPAT and your rights as a Data Subject. 

D. Acquisition and Collection of Personal Data 
JAKPAT acquires and collects Personal Data through the account creation process via registration on the website for Clients and the JAKPAT application for Respondents. Following the completion of the registration process, Respondents are required to provide Personal Data and undergo identity validation. JAKPAT also collects Personal Data when Respondents participate in surveys. 

Thus, JAKPAT acquires and collects Personal Data independently submitted by Clients and/or Respondents, including but not limited to: 
  1. General Personal Data such as: full name, gender, nationality, religion, marital status, and other Personal Data that may be combined to identify an individual, including but not limited to age, residence, education level, profession, and work industry. 
  2. Special Category Personal Data such as: 

    1. health data; 

    2. financial data; and 
    3. other data as permitted by applicable Laws and Regulations. In such cases, JAKPAT acquires and collects data, including but not limited to: 
      • the responses provided by the Respondents during their participation in the Client Survey and JAKPAT Survey are subject to limitations, as imposed and specifically regulated by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia.

      • data recorded when Respondents install or use the JAKPAT application, including but not limited to: 

        1. the installed application. 

        2. type and model of the device used. 

        3. operating system. 

        4. duration of use of the JAKPAT application. 

        5. location of the device during the use of the JAKPAT application. 

        6. telecommunication operator used. 
        7. data package usage. 
        8. IP address and cookies. 

E. Processing and Analysis of Personal Data 
The Personal Data of Respondents obtained and collected by JAKPAT is subsequently subjected to processing and analysis for the following purposes: 
  1. Client Surveys 
    Respondents' Personal Data is processed and analyzed to generate reports, excluding Personal Data and Respondents' identities, which are then submitted to the Client. 
  2. Segmentation 
    Respondents' Personal Data is processed and analyzed to create segments within the Survey report based on Respondents' profiles. 
  3. Respondent Membership Management 
    The Personal Data of Respondents is processed and analyzed to ensure and continuously monitor Respondents' validity. 
  4. Gift Redemption Management 
    Respondents' Personal Data is processed and analyzed to facilitate the distribution of prizes resulting from Respondents' points redemption. 
  5. Other Research Reports, Aside from Client Surveys 
    Respondents' Personal Data, which has been obtained and collected by JAKPAT, is processed and analyzed to compile and generate additional JAKPAT Survey reports. 

F. Disclosure of Personal Data 
We will only disclose Your Personal Data to entities affiliated with JAKPAT, governmental authorities, trusted business partners, as well as our suppliers and agents, as and when required. 
You acknowledge that We may provide Your Personal Data in specific situations, including but not limited to: 
  1. defending against any claims, lawsuits, or demands addressed to Us in the course of protecting JAKPAT's interests to the best of our ability. 
  2. complying with applicable laws and regulations, court processes, orders, valid requests from law enforcement officials, or authorities. 
  3. conducting checks or investigations of fraud or other wrongdoing when necessary to meet legal requirements or protect our legitimate interests. 
  4. sharing data with Our Clients or partners in connection with the execution of sales, services, transfers, and other activities partially or wholly related to JAKPAT's business operations. 
  5. to safeguard and protect our rights, the rights of other users, or third parties at our discretion. 
  6. any other conditions as long as permitted by law. 

G. Consent and Withdrawal of Consent for Personal Data 
In regard to Consent, Cancellation, and Withdrawal of Consent, which are Your Rights as a Personal Data Subject: 
  1. by accessing, registering, and clicking "agree" during the registration process, you automatically and unequivocally authorize Us and entities affiliated with Us to acquire, collect, process, analyze, store, rectify, update, delete, destroy, and, under certain circumstances, disclose Personal Data, as initially outlined in this Policy. 
  2. Clients have the right to request the deletion of their data and/or information at any time by submitting a written request via our email. 
  3. Respondents have the right to cancel and/or delete their Personal Data, either partially or entirely. This applies to data provided by Respondents in the form of survey responses or collected by JAKPAT through the use of the JAKPAT application. To exercise this right, Respondents must submit a written request via our email. 
  4. Should you choose to withdraw your consent, which is your right as a Personal Data Subject, you must first submit a written request for consent withdrawal, accompanied by reasonable, acceptable, and accountable reasons. Upon our approval and confirmation of the consent withdrawal, we will cease the acquisition, collection, processing, analysis, storage, rectification, updating, deletion, destruction, and, under certain circumstances, disclosure of your Personal Data. However, this exemption does not apply in cases where we have a legal obligation or in connection with legitimate and legally justifiable business activities. If you withdraw your consent, you will no longer be able to access or use the Survey service, or participate as our Respondent. You also agree to release Us from any liability for any losses you may incur due to the termination of your access, survey service, or participation in JAKPAT. 
  5. we will discontinue the processing of Personal Data in the event that you withdraw your consent for such processing. Additionally, we may, at your request or at our discretion, display your name anonymously.

H. Termination of Personal Data Processing, Erasure of Personal Data, and Destruction of Personal Data 
In specific circumstances, JAKPAT will cease processing Personal Data when the data has met the predefined retention period, the initial purpose of processing Personal Data has been achieved, or upon request from the Personal Data Subject to discontinue such processing. 

Furthermore, JAKPAT will proceed with the deletion of Personal Data under various conditions, encompassing instances where the data is no longer requisite for the designated processing purposes, if the Personal Data Subject revokes consent for Personal Data processing, in response to a direct request from the Personal Data Subject, or in the event that the Personal Data was acquired and/or processed unlawfully. 
Additionally, JAKPAT will undertake the destruction of Personal Data in various scenarios, including when the data has reached the conclusion of its retention period as outlined in JAKPAT's Internal Policy, upon a direct request from the Personal Data Subject, when the data is no longer pertinent in the context of legal case resolution, or if the Personal Data was unlawfully obtained and/or processed. 

I. Transfer of Personal Data Outside the Jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia 
In the event that We intend to transfer Personal Data to a Personal Data Controller and/or Personal Data Processor located outside the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia, We shall ensure that the country of residence of the said Personal Data Controller and/or Personal Data Processor, receiving the transfer of Personal Data, provides a level of Personal Data Protection that is equal to or higher than the standards established in Law Number 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection ("PDP Law") and its subsequent amendments and implementing regulations.

J. Cookie Management 
Under ordinary circumstances, nearly all web browsers are set to automatically accept locally stored files, commonly known as cookies. However, you have the right to adjust your browser settings to delete or refuse the use of cookies. It's important to note that when you choose to partially or fully delete or reject cookies, this action may impact the availability and functionality of our website. 
You can customize your cookie management options through your web browser, which includes the ability to accept or reject all cookies and receive notifications when cookies unexpectedly appear. Please be aware that each web browser has distinct policies for modifying cookie preferences. Consequently, disabling cookies may affect your utilization of our services, either in part or in full.  
  1. In essence, we employ cookies for various purposes, including but not limited to: 
  2. Gaining insights into your interactions with our content and your responses to it. 
  3. Enhancing your user experience when navigating our website. 
  4. Analyzing the performance of our website. 
  5. Remembering your preferences, such as language and region, eliminating the need for customization during each visit. 
  6. Identifying and automatically addressing errors. 
  7. Recognizing your Internet Protocol (IP) address. 

K. Safeguarding Personal Data 
In recognition of the sensitivity of Personal Data and the need for concrete measures to maintain its security, the following steps are taken: 
  1. we consistently safeguard Personal Information within our custody or control by implementing reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, alteration, deletion, or any related risks. These measures include the use of security protocols and procedures such as encrypting information transmissions through SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology, enforcing password and OTP (one-time password) mechanisms for JAKPAT application users, implementing firewalls to prevent unauthorized access, and other precautions. 
  2. we also expect you to take measures to protect your account against hacking, such as changing your password at regular intervals and refraining from sharing it with third parties, including JAKPAT, in order to prevent fraudulent activities and other prohibited acts. It is important to note that JAKPAT does not have knowledge of or access to your password, and you are fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and ownership of your password. 

L. Rectification of Personal Data and Denial of Access to Personal Data Changes 
You are required to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of any Personal Data you provide to us. If you become aware of any updates, errors, or inaccuracies in the Personal Data you have provided, you may submit a request for correction by contacting us in writing via our email. 
 Upon receipt of the above request, JAKPAT commits to updating and/or rectifying any errors and inaccuracies in the Personal Data within a maximum of 72 hours (three times twenty-four hours) from the time of receiving the request. JAKPAT will subsequently provide you, as the Personal Data Subject, with notification regarding the outcomes of the Personal Data update and correction. 
As the Controller of Personal Data, JAKPAT holds the right to deny access to Personal Data changes in situations where such access: 
  1. Poses a threat to the security, physical health, or mental well-being of the Personal Data Subject and/or others. 
  2. Impacts the disclosure of Personal Data belonging to other individuals. 
  3. Conflicts with national defense and security interests.

M. Applicability 
This Policy constitutes an integral component of the Terms and Conditions. Consequently, the provisions contained within the Terms and Conditions and this Policy must be considered, construed, and comprehended as a unified whole. 

N. Updates and Acknowledgment 
This Policy may be modified and updated periodically to align with changes in laws and regulations, which we may undertake without prior notice. We strongly recommend that you carefully review and revisit this Policy page at regular intervals to stay informed about any revisions. By continuing to access, use our services, or participate in JAKPAT, you are deemed to have consented to the changes in this Policy. Furthermore, it is understood that the most recent version of this Policy automatically supersedes all prior versions. 

O. Applicable Law and Language Usage   

This Policy is to be interpreted, created, and governed by the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. This Policy is available in two languages, Indonesian and English. In the event of discrepancies in interpreting the content of this Policy, the Indonesian language shall take precedence.  

P. Contact Us  

If you have any suggestions or inquiries concerning this Policy, you may also reach out to us in writing via email at