Imagine: Crosstabs Done in 10 Minutes!
The analysis tools that accelerate you to make a cross tabulation
The analysis tools that accelerate you to make a cross tabulation
The analysist tools that accelerate you
to make a cross tabulation
1. Choose Question
1. Choose Question
1. Choose Question
This will be your Row. Customize your data display, enhance with sig. tests and weighting.
This will be your Row. Customize your data display, enhance with sig. tests and weighting.
Make you easy to filter questions as a row, add weighting factors, or even you can create significance testing to all questions
2. Set Headers
2. Set Headers
2. Set Headers
Select ready-made or custom group of options as the column.
Select ready-made or custom group of options as the column.
3. Get Insights
3. Get Insights
3. Get Insights
That's it! Submit and get your personalized crosstab and chart
That's it! Submit and get your personalized crosstab and chart
That's it! Submit and get your personalized crosstab and chart
Topsight help you easy create insight faster
Topsight help you easy create insight faster
Topsight help you easy create insight faster
Crosstab in 10 minutes
Crosstab in 10 minutes
Drag n Drop experience
Drag n Drop experience
Just 2 steps to generate crosstab
Just 2 steps to generate crosstab
Get started with Topsight
Get started with Topsight
All you need to make crosstab in simple way
All you need to make crosstab in simple way